However, the Hiraab hereditary leadership has remained intact up to this day and enjoys a dominant influence in national Somali affairs.
His expertise is in the areas of global political economy, political and social thought, and Somali affairs, is the author/editor of five books and over thirty articles.
"They are not feeling ambitions toward power in Somali affairs."
However, I am just someone with deep interest in the Somali affairs and passion for the Somali people.
In his honor, I adopted his name as a nickname and often use it when commenting on Somali affairs.
Throughout his career, he has written and published numerous reports and articles on Somali affairs.
That is why it is not easy for Mr Silanyo to confidently engage in world gatherings for Somali affairs as he will be accused of betrayal.
This is also the position of countries who are interested in Somali affairs".
Destabilising interventions in Somali affairs by other countries in the region must be rejected and condemned.
The whole Somali affair is affecting the geopolitics of East Africa.