International observers came from the Soviet Union (within the Soviet Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee) and the People's Republic of China.
In the next year he won the second prize in the International Competition organised by the 'Solidarity Committee' in Skopje for the piece entitled Chant de l'espoir.
"This is a historic meeting," said Vasily G. Solodnikov, a former Ambassador to Zambia and vice chairman of the Soviet Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee.
Resumed activism joining the Solidarity Committees in support of the Sandinista Liberation Front prisoners.
The Palestinian Solidarity Committee of South Africa reportedly distributed copies of the antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Piedmont: The Solidarity Committee of the regional council has earmarked a budget of €250,000.
There was another anti-war demonstration in Gijon, convoked by the "Solidarity Committee with the Arab Cause".
In cooperation with his friends from the Students' Solidarity Committee he established the Maj77 Association which organises events propagating democracy, freedom of speech and human rights.
Mr. Mouhajer, a French citizen who was born in Lebanon, is suspected by the police of being the chief ideologist of the Solidarity Committee for Arab Political Prisoners in the Middle East.
To commemorate the year of activism that resulted from the article's publication, an event organized by the Solidarity Committee Against Anti-Asian Racism was held at the University of Toronto on November 17, 2011.