June 4 - A presidential forum hosted by Sojourners Magazine featuring Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and former Senator John Edwards is broadcast on CNN.
Barnet often contributed to The New Yorker, Harper's, The Nation and Sojourners Magazine, among other publications.
He is also a contributing editor for Sojourners Magazine.
Prominent organizations advocating a Consistent Life Ethic include Democrats For Life of America (which includes dozens of Congressmen), Sojourners Magazine, and Priests for Life.
The Sojourners Community is most widely known for Sojourners Magazine and for the writing and speaking of its founding member Jim Wallis.
Stassen is also contributor to Sojourners Magazine and has frequently appeared in the media, including the Los Angeles Times and The O'Reilly Factor.
While in prison, Buck contributed articles on women in prison, solitary confinement, political prisoners and related issues to Sojourners Magazine, Monthly Review, and other journals and anthologies.
Sojourners Magazine, September-October 2001 (Vol.
He is also a pro-life activist and opponent of capital punishment, a contributing editor of Sojourners Magazine, and a supporter of the Occupy movement.
Jim Wallis of Sojourners Magazine has argued that, among both evangelical Christians and Catholics, "most major church bodies around the world" opposed the war.