"Even garbage became advertising, like an empty Snapple bottle on the bus," she said.
She once fielded a call from frantic staffers wondering how to deal with a skunk that had gotten its head caught in a Snapple bottle.
She is found on a desert isle, teaching the inhabitants to talk like her and worship idols shaped like Snapple bottles.
It was still wrapped in clear plastic, and Axel had stuck it inside a Snapple bottle filled with water.
Panesa watched Brazil pick up an ugly red rose in a Snapple bottle, and the publisher smiled.
Matthew - Sacramento, California - 6 days ago Who gives a rats butt if he relieved himself in a Snapple bottle.
A painting depicts a Snapple bottle floating above the Brooklyn Bridge as children beam beatifically.
Her slip of a body curled around a frayed paperback and a half-filled Snapple bottle.
This is nature, wild and free - give or take one or two floating Snapple bottles.
The room around him was littered with takeout food bags, paper cups and empty Snapple bottles.