Smokey Mountain is the term coined for a large landfill located in Manila, Philippines.
Smokey Mountain operated for more than 40 years, consisting of over two million metric tons of waste.
However at the present, Payatas houses a 50 acre landfill which earns it the name "second Smokey Mountain".
Log cabins really fit the atmosphere of the Smokey Mountains much better than, say, a chalet or condo.
It is the location of a notorious and now closed landfill called Smokey Mountain.
The airfield sat in the middle of a wide, green valley surrounded on three sides by the gentle slopes of the Smokey Mountains.
No question - when we went to Smokey Mountain and meant Bing and saw her living conditions.
In 2011 the Smokey Mountain was replaced by a new child attraction "Tikal".
But I found myself thinking about Smokey Mountain recently, after reading my latest batch of hate mail.
Smokey Mountain persisted because the Philippines, until recently, did not share in the export-led growth of its neighbors.