The location, which Smith named Plateau City, was the most beautiful he found.
Smith named a dozen teammates before dissolving into a heartfelt thank you, saying, "My whole team - I wouldn't be in this situation without these guys."
Street & Smith named Senne one the Top 50 junior prospects in the nation.
Also last week, Smith named Douglas L. Rock, 40, president and chief operating officer.
Smith named him as the team's starting quarterback for the 2007 season, despite inconsistent and lackluster play throughout the preseason.
Smith named a figure far lower than the price he'd intended to set.
Incidentally, Smith named his real estate venture Huntingdon in her honor.
Smith named the town for his birthplace Verona, New York.
Smith named the sculpture while in a retrospective mood.
It is believed that Smith named the virus after a stripper he had known in Florida.