Smith had discovered that the demons were not actually stupid; just terribly literal-minded.
Smith discovers that the bank isn't just in trouble, it's essentially so insolvent that it can't even pay its next dividend.
Meanwhile, Smith discovers that being a famous movie star is not all that it is made out to be.
Smith then obtained a ladder and climbed into the room through the transom over the door, discovering Edwards was dead.
Last season, Smith never discovered what it was like to win a second game.
Smith also discovered the bacterial species which would eventually form the genus Salmonella.
A few years later, Smith discovered some golden tablets.
Smith discovered that the headpiece in question had been rented during the first season, causing him to recreate the prop over one weekend.
Smith returned to performing in the late 1990s, and discovered he still had many fans on the oldies circuit.
Smith, glancing to the rear, discovered no indication that their captors had, as yet, missed them.