Slovenian forces also established border control posts on their border with Croatia.
The weapons captured from the garrisons were quickly re-issued to the Slovenian forces.
It ran into a blockade near the town of Krško and was surrounded by Slovenian forces, but refused to surrender, probably hoping for help from a relief column.
Days later, Slovenian forces successfully held out against a limited Yugoslav Army operation to seize control of the republic's border crossings and effectively choke its independence.
Diplomats said the inclusion of Slovenian forces in the statement was necessary to garner Yugoslavia's approval.
He has mainly a representative role and is the commander-in-chief of the Slovenian military forces.
Convoys of federal tanks were reported near Ljubljana, with some involved in a tense standoff with Slovenian forces at the city's airport.
In the morning of the next day, a short Ten-Day War began, in which the Slovenian forces successfully rejected Yugoslav military interference.
Outside, militiamen of the Slovenian territorial forces block access roads to the garrison, which is opposite the main city hospital.
Scattered violence was reported between Slovenian forces and the Yugoslav Army today, hours after the cease-fire was to take effect.