The production of trdelník has a long tradition in the Slovak town of Skalica on the Czech border.
Kozy has started a twin cooperation with the Slovak town of Mošovce.
The city has a well preserved historical center, which is the largest among Slovak towns.
Svit is one of the youngest Slovak towns.
Today, the fujara has moved from the shepherds' fields to the stage of folk festivals in the Slovak towns of Východná and Detva.
They play their games at Winter Sports Stadium Kežmarok in the Slovak town of Kežmarok.
During the days of Czechoslovakia, the anthem was played in many Slovak towns at noon.
He is buried in the Slovak town of Martin.
Wetzler was born in the Slovak town of Trnava, where he was a worker during the period 1936-1940.
An extraterrestrial alien lands on Earth near the (fictional) Slovak town Čabovce.