Before the Slovak independence two main issues appeared regarding language: the right to use non-Slovakized versions of women's names and the use of bilingual street signs.
Mr. President, you have described the long and complex road which led to the achievement of Slovak independence.
Under these circumstances, Parliament unanimously declared Slovak independence.
Ďurčanský returned to Europe in 1952, settling in Munich and conducting much of his work on behalf of Slovak independence from West Germany.
In 1937 he began a diplomatic offensive in favor of Slovak independence.
Hundreds of angry Slovak nationalists rushed President Vaclav Havel and screamed abuse at him today during a demonstration for Slovak independence.
For example, on March 14, 1940, on the first anniversary of Slovak independence, János Esterházy wrote:
Under these circumstances, Parliament unanimously declared Slovak independence, and Tiso was appointed the first Prime Minister of the new republic.
Mr. Klaus has held talks over the breakup with Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar of Slovakia, an advocate of Slovak independence.
The coup d'état attempt occurred in the night of March 13.-14., in the relation to the proclamation of Slovak independence, managed by Germany.