As such, he became one of the leading figures in the early development of the Space Shuttle, the Skylab program, and the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.
The Space Shuttle flight control team (as well as those for the earlier Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab programs) were also based there.
CSM-119 was returned to the Vehicle Assembly Building, and remained on standby until the Skylab program ended.
In 1974, the Skylab program ended, and ILC faced an immediate need to diversify their product offerings.
It had also almost certainly cost Dave a future ride in the Skylab program.
He worked on the Skylab program, and was involved in the development of the Space Shuttle software.
Much of the planning centered on the idea of a space station, which eventually spawned the Skylab program.
She then participated in the Skylab program and the joint US/Soviet Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.
He then worked for about three years on the Skylab program.
This change saved the Skylab program when a problem during launch destroyed one of the workshop solar panels and prevented the other from automatically deploying.