Occasionally, ride operators will operate Skull Mountain with the interior lights illuminated.
The Wild One's only consistently rough part is a sharp turn made under the Skull Mountain.
One time to the face of death...Skull Mountain.
The Skull from Skull Mountain also serves as a backdrop to the ride.
The House on Skull Mountain is a 1974 horror film directed by Ron Honthaner.
Every night water strangely disappears from the new Tarnack Reservoir near Skull Mountain.
This city around Skull Mountain loses water each night because of the new reservoir.
While exploring Skull Mountain, where the reservoir is located, the boys are attacked several times.
The reader is left with a note that the Hardy Boys next mystery will be The Secret of Skull Mountain.
It was later renamed Skull Mountain and eventually closed in July 2011 to make room for a new roller coaster.