Where Sister Ann becomes a bus stop, and Sister Veronica harbours a Welsh pleasure dragon.
Sister Ann says she was black in the 70's and Sister Veronica admits to a dark past.
Sister Veronica is a little embarrassed by the visit, and has not repeated it, but the tactic apparently served its purpose.
"Some came for travel and adventure and experience," said Sister Veronica, who directs the Irish Pastoral Center.
"The families don't want them back," Sister Veronica, a nun who helps run a rescue mission for trafficked prostitutes in an old church in Mexico City, told me.
Sister Veronica asked.
The friar felt that Sister Veronica was an excellent candidate to lead this effort, which coincided with her own inner call to join the Carmelite Order.
After much reflection and anguish, Sister Veronica accepted the call to start such a foundation.
After her profession, Sister Veronica embarked on the formation of a small group of European women who had joined to start the foundation in India, living in a house in Bayonne.
Also in the same year, the school welcomed Sister Finbarr back and bade farewell to Sister Veronica.