I would love a cup of tea, Sister Gertrude, and something to eat.
"I never wanted anybody to die," Sister Gertrude told the court in a whisper.
The day has come, as Sister Gertrude might say.
His sister Gertrude, 25 years younger than he, is in Johannesburg, too.
But Sister Gertrude was accused of summoning the local mayor and the police in order to drive them from the building.
Sister Gertrude convinced him instead to let her utilize the property as a home for the metally handicapped.
According to the indictment, on May 5, the mayor received a letter, signed by Sister Gertrude.
Sister Gertrude, once a mother superior, has been in court for seven weeks, listening to grim details about murder in the convent.
My sister Gertrude came in once or twice, and I think my brother August.
She died in 1882, and in 1890 he married her sister Gertrude, in Jersey; they had no children.