Sister Constance declares that she was the dissenter, and that she has changed her mind, so the vow can proceed.
They didn't find us, but they-brutalized Sister Constance.
Notable, too, was Sarah Coburn as the chatty but mystically inclined Sister Constance.
Sister Constance's music lies high in the range, and Miss Murphy sang it virtuosically, but with the right current of velvety lyricism where it was necessary.
Miss Norden has made peculiarly her own the role of Sister Constance, the little chatterbox whose attachment to her fellow novice Blanche is so moving.
Finally, only Sister Constance and Mother Jeanne were left.
Equally sincere and unnuanced was the bright sound of Karen Burlingame as Sister Constance.
Maybe I can help, Sister Constance.
Sarah Coburn's Sister Constance reminded us of the bright ardor intrinsic to Poulenc's style.
"See that you do, Sister Constance."