Sister Cecilia always said that there was no hope of converting that one to the Keeper.
In February 1968, Sister Cecilia was appointed president.
Sister Cecilia started evening classes for a girl who could not afford school fees.
Sister Cecilia and the driver were killed in the attack.
"Someday when we have the luxury of time, I would appreciate hearing more about Sister Cecilia in addition to Richard's former teachers."
She had at least killed two of his guards and Sister Cecilia.
Yes, she would remember those words, and always remember Sister Cecilia.
On Wednesday afternoon, after school, Sister Cecilia cloistered herself in the adjacent convent, rather than have children see her cry.
Vi walked carefully, eyes on the trailing habit of Sister Cecilia, who negotiated the twisting downward steps with a child beneath each arm.
Tuesday, Sept. 20 I met with Sister Cecilia, principal of our parochial school for the past 25 years.