On the way out, they encounter Sister Bridget and the Bishop.
Una later has all her hair cut off by Sister Bridget to discourage her from escaping again.
"Sister Bridget here swore that she heard a man talking in the chapel when she came to shut the outer window at sunset."
Then is poor Sister Bridget a witch also, for this same spirit brought the child to her?
Then Emlyn gave her name, and Sister Bridget's was written without question.
Sister Bridget has attended nearly 100 funerals in her 10 years at the center.
"I was concerned that Sister Bridget not come out a total villain," she said.
Sister Bridget acquires a black eye, which serves her right for using perfect sentence constructions under stress.
"Sister Bridget has obviously been in convents all her life and probably was a very young novice," she said.
Sister Bridget, who makes a career out of being clever, is too cute to take.