However, it was suppressed by Sir Robert Walpole, and is now very rare.
He became private secretary to Sir Robert Walpole.
It was, above all, Sir Robert Walpole who created the party bishop.
After the fall of Sir Robert Walpole he was dismissed (July 1742) from his office.
He is mainly notable for being the father of Sir Robert Walpole.
Sir Robert Walpole advised him to see off any further claims from the States General.
That celebrated interlude is associated with the strong preference for peace of Sir Robert Walpole.
A protégé of Sir Robert Walpole, he served under him for more than twenty years, until 1742.
Sir Robert Walpole constructed a watertower (1731-1732) with the appearance of an architectural folly.
Sir Robert Walpole, the first and longest-serving prime minister.