In recent months, Sir Keith has set up a national committee to explore some of these possibilities.
Coutts replied that they did not have concerns about these bonds, so Sir Keith retained them.
An interviewer asked Sir Keith's only son in 1989 what he thought of the story.
It provides in Sir Keith's view the evidence for understanding what we were and thus of what we are.
Sir Keith tells me it's only a question of three months or so.
Sir Keith made plain his dislike of the financial mechanisms with which governments in the West habitually support industrial companies.
Such detailed planning would have provoked snorts of derision from Sir Keith.
"What does Sir Keith have to say for himself?"
Petra has the drilling stopped, and with the project abandoned, Sir Keith announces his plans to have the shaft filled in.
After his inspection, Sir Keith singled out the wooden escalator as the origin of the fire.