In fact, the two singers sometimes write surprisingly similar lyrics.
On the website, the singer wrote "new music is in the making", which means that she will make a comeback.
Singer actually sits and writes with pen in hand for three to four hours a day.
The singer has written a column in the publication for most of its existence.
For the next 56 years, and in more than 40 books, Singer wrote exclusively in his native language.
The singer writes in longhand, and then an assistant types her words into a computer.
The female singer, Nhlanhla also decided to go solo, and wrote her own songs.
"The powers that rule the universe were preparing the catastrophe," Singer would later write.
The term caught on; Singer wrote that it was an awkward word but that he could not think of a better one.
Hey, this is a song that a famous brazilian singer wrote with ben harper and i decided to do a cover of it!