The building was commissioned by Frederick Bourne, the head of the Singer Sewing Machine Company.
He was born on November 14, 1844 to Edward Clark, a founder of the Singer Sewing Machine Company.
Her father was a vice president of computer systems in Syosset, N.Y., for the Singer Sewing Machine Company.
In 1913 the family moved to Scotland, where his father, an engineer for the Singer Sewing Machine Company, had been transferred.
Abbe had made a handsome fortune as a salesman with the Singer Sewing Machine Company in Kansas.
The first major industry, the Singer Sewing Machine Company came to Elizabeth and employed as many as 2,000 people.
He made important improvements in the design of the sewing machine and was the founder of the Singer Sewing Machine Company.
While the school awaited machinery, students were given access to machines in the York Street showrooms of the Singer Sewing Machine Company.
Platt started his career as a salesman in New York City, for the Singer Sewing Machine Company.
He was with the Singer Sewing Machine Company.