In its latest but probably not its last incarnation, the Simpson jury now comprises seven black, three white and two Hispanic members; nine are women.
With the prosecution's case not even concluded, the Simpson jury seems likely to dip below the magic number.
So anxious are people to serve on the Simpson jury, she said, that even loquacious candidates will muzzle themselves.
Legal commentators have long been expressing concern that the stress of prolonged, sequestered duty would take its toll on the Simpson jury.
Legal commentators speculated that the jurors were taking their time to avoid the stigma of the speedy Simpson criminal jury.
Cochran told the mainly black Simpson jury that police officers were trying to frame O.J. Simpson because of his race.
In its latest, but probably not its last, incarnation, the Simpson jury now has nine black members, two white members and one Hispanic member.
During pretrial questioning last fall, many of those who were eventually selected to serve on the Simpson jury acknowledged that they had heard parts of the tape.
The Simpson jury now comprises eight blacks, two whites and two Hispanic members; nine are women.
Yet, the Judge Ito said enthusiasm for serving on the Simpson jury ran considerably higher than in previous long-running, high-profile trials.