"But I thought the Silver Horde conquered the entire Agatean Empire!"
"Have you any idea what it is that the Silver Horde wants?"
Into it, grumbling and asking one another to speak up, walked the Silver Horde.
The Silver Horde looked around.
The Silver Horde turned to the minstrel, who nodded after some thought.
The Silver Horde walked inside, keeping together, peering around suspiciously.
As one man, or god, the Silver Horde closed up and drew its weaponry.
The Silver Horde wandered through the alleys of Hunghung.
Instead, the Silver Horde, refusing to accept their deaths, steal the valkyries' horses and set off to find other worlds to "do heroic stuff in."
The Silver Horde, to a man, stared at the ex-teacher.