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Silly Billy had entertained at the boy's fifth birthday, and was a big success.
Don't be a silly Billy, put a rubber on your willy.
Why, only a few weeks ago, Silly Billy, the talk of the clown circuit, was there.
Silly billies: mob of young cubs yelling their guts out.
Well you're a silly billy you are.
Silly Billy, the birthday clown, arrived incognito in black mufti.
Silly Billy was riding on the horse.
Compared to my man Johnny, silly Billy as we used to refer to him, was nothing more than a milksop.
"For Pete's sake-it's a whole flock of those silly billies!"
Silly Billy was a type of clown common at fairs in England during the 19th century.
At the time, he knew only that Silly Billy was an unusually cranky clown, and he wanted to know why.
She met Silly Billy, the star of the birthday circuit, who taught her to make animals out of balloons.
Who's a silly billy?
I'm fine here, Alex. Silly Billy doesn't pose too much of a threat.
I'm a silly billy,' she said.
Hmm- You're such a silly billy that I don't think I want your advice.
For example, a song about Billy the Kid comes out as "Silly Billy."
'Lots of smiling kids from the neighborhood, plus a rent-a-clown called Silly Billy.
Silly Billy then performed magic tricks and gags on the sunporch, which looked out onto the backyard.
The next scene showed Silly Billy ringing the front bell and apparently surprising the Shafer children at the door.
"Course not, silly billy!
Personally speaking, if I was descended from old "Silly Billy" I would keep quiet about it.
Silly Billy (June 2000)
Silly Billies (1936)
As Mari Elliott, she recorded a reggae single called Silly Billy, but it failed to chart.