Sahib is added to its name following the Sikh tradition of expressing respect and veneration towards the Lord.
Singh incorporated the storyline of the dawning new age into his teachings, a case of melding Western astrology with Sikh tradition.
To revamp the education system in accordance with Sikh traditions and to cater to the needs of modern society.
Beneath the mandatory black beard, a Sikh tradition, his once-boyish features had evolved into those of a strikingly handsome young man.
A 2008 Eye Weekly article reported that "Leone does her best to maintain a link to Sikh traditions, even if more in theory than in practice.
Sikh tradition has it that this was originally composed by Nanak Dev (1469-1539), the founder of Sikhism.
The Akali Nihang, considered the keepers of all Sikh traditions, were regarded as disloyal to the colonists.
To Advise and support young students in schools, colleges and universities on Sikh issues and Sikh traditions.
Akal literally timeless, immortal, non-temporal, is a term integral to Sikh tradition and philosophy.
The service will include Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Baha'i and Sikh traditions of prayer.