Because no one before in all of Sikh history had received this title, it would ignite controversy in years to come.
Actually, the students of Sikh history know that over the centuries the influence of these old traditions has been very much in evidence.
His specialization is Sikh history and culture, information technology, and education.
Ballantyne has offered an innovative rereading of modern Sikh history.
The event forms an important part of Sikh history.
In Sikh history, the sword is held in very high esteem.
He published calendars and developed museums on Sikh history.
He holds one of the most important and pivotal positions in Sikh history.
Up to this point, at the very beginning of the 17th century, Sikh history had been peaceful enough despite internal frictions.
Absence can of course have a presence of its own, as modern Sikh history does in this exhibition.