They think that she read the Sibylline Books and the rest of the page was burned.
The Sibylline Book speaks the truth, no matter whose pen wrote the verse.
If we still had the Sibylline Books we might discover more about it.
His crowning sin, recorded by this poet alone, was the destruction of the Sibylline books.
The Sibylline Books were also consulted and confirmed this prophecy.
He was at first defeated, but afterwards, following the directions of the Sibylline Books, gained a victory.
Indeed he followed the example of the vendor of the Sibylline books in ancient Rome.
The method used by a committee of ten Romans was outlined in the Sibylline Books.
Such celebrations must be distinguished from those which were ordered, like the earlier lectisternia, by the Sibylline Books in special emergencies.
As the Sibylline Books were housed in the fortress temple of Jupiter, their legend has been associated with him.