STALIN You will die in a Siberian prison for your crimes against the state!
In Chelyabinsk, Dutov's men executed or deported to Siberian prisons over 9000 people.
The object of the journey was to visit Siberian prisons and distribute Bibles and other religious works to prisoners.
She was in a Siberian prison, from which she escaped and made her way across Asia and onto Hollywood.
Or found herself in a Siberian prison, victim of heinous doctrines?
There is only one female character, and the setting, a Siberian prison, presents a large ensemble cast instead of one or several prominent leads.
The document in question would exonerate her friend in a Siberian prison.
In Moscow, he is convicted of "anti-Soviet propaganda" and thrown into a Siberian prison.
He spent six years of a 15-year sentence in Perm 35, a Siberian prison.