Shelley Jackson (born 1963) is a writer and artist known for her cross-genre experiments, including her groundbreaking work of hyperfiction, Patchwork Girl (1995).
Fiction by Shelley Jackson for Guernica Magazine (
An interview with Shelley Jackson by Rosita Nunes.
How to Unread Shelley Jackson?
Patchwork Girl (hypertext) by Shelley Jackson is a hypertext fiction where a story is told through the use of text and images that link together in a narrative fashion.
Shelley Jackson: Patchwork Girl (1995)
Illustrated by Shelley Jackson.
Shelley Jackson takes the marriage of book and body a step further with her project "Skin."
Novels such as "Half Life" by Shelley Jackson and "Light" by M. John Harrison have received the award.
Shelley Jackson has her punch line ready.