It also states that Islamic Sharia principles are the main source of legislation and all freedoms are to be within the limits of Sharia.
These scholars meet regularly with Guidance management to review all proposed Guidance plans for new companies and investment programs with regard to their compliance with Sharia principles.
Sect members had set up a community living by strict Sharia principles around its mosque in Maiduguri.
The case is typical of those case dealt with by Sharia councils, as thousands of Muslims are turning to them to help resolve family, financial and commercial problems in accordance with Sharia principles.
The IBA's the director of Islamic banking, Bekhnam Gurbanzade, said that the signing of the contract was the first time that IBA had signed a contract according to Sharia principles.
The frequency of these and other attacks on individuals considered to be violating Sharia principles appeared to increase following the enactment of Law 44/1999 and the governor's Sharia regulations.
Mirza was a co-founder and trustee (1984-2003) of Amana Mutual Funds Trust, a Bellingham, Washington-based mutual fund that operates in accordance with Sharia financial principles.
Sharia courts were abolished in 2003 but Sharia principles are still applied in matters related to personal status (such as marriage, divorce and child custody).
Firstly, the judgment or award must not be contrary to Sharia law or public policy; it must not offend the Sharia principles of riba and gharar.