This knee-jerk conceit, which has done extensive duty in productions of Shakespearean history plays, doesn't track here.
To the Editor: Re "A Marathon of Richards and Henrys" (Arts pages, Aug. 10): One does not need to look abroad to see Shakespearean history in the making.
Later playwrights of history plays would either follow his stylistic model, or at least have an acute awareness of their stylistic differences with Shakespearean histories.
- not to mention other Shakespearean history plays in which kings or future kings are disposed of on stage and off.
Besides, in the Shakespearean histories, everybody gets killed.
Some of the same actors were used to enhance the parody of Shakespearean history.
She used her education for the advancement of women and pursued scholarly interests in English Renaissance, particularly Shakespearean, literary history.
As such, the character of Montague seems to represent two separate historical personages in the play, and whilst this is not unusual in Shakespearean histories, the manner of the dual representation is.
His first film as cinematographer was Laurence Olivier's 1944 film Henry V, an adaptation of the Shakespearean history.
Ian McKellen is the hunchbacked villain in a stunning production from the Royal National Theater of Britain, which moves the Shakespearean history forward to a Fascist state in the 1930's.