While severe thunderstorms are most common in the spring and summer, they can occur at just about any time of the year.
A large, severe thunderstorm might be 10 to 100 times more energetic.
Severe thunderstorms do occasionally cross over the city during the summer.
It entered an area of rain which turned out to be a severe thunderstorm at 1500 feet.
In tests for severe thunderstorms, the warning time increased from 18 to 22 minutes.
On 12 June 1964, the mill was caught in a severe thunderstorm.
Severe thunderstorms are common during this season as cold fronts pass though the area.
It proved one of the most severe thunderstorms remembered in the country.
The tornadoes were a part of severe thunderstorms in the area.
Severe thunderstorms can occur at any time of the year though mainly during the spring months.