A Sessions Court is a court of law which exists in several Commonwealth countries.
In Indian cities, the Sessions Court is responsible for adjudicating matters related to criminal cases.
Originally, the Sessions Courts heard each case continuously in sessions and delivered judgements immediately on completion of arguments.
Hence the name 'Sessions Court' meant that the cases would be disposed off expeditiously.
Ayyanthole houses the various state governmental offices, as well as the District and Sessions Courts.
He eventually was appointed judge to the City Civil & Sessions Court of Ahmedabad in 1964.
The new act forced ale-house keepers to obtain a licence, which was granted by two justices at a Sessions Court.
There are also Tehsil and Sessions Court as well as many other courts of Law.
District and Sessions Court is situated at Jeypore.
The two of them were called to the Sessions Court at Mangalore facing trail for forgery of important property documents.