In October 1994, Series C was issued with brand new designs.
Series C was the top scorer in 2008 with Atletico Goianiense.
Series C consists of five works of varying depth and polish.
The exception is if a three-digit shield includes a "1", such as "100" or "314", in which case Series C is used.
Judgement of 29 April 2004, Series C No. 105.
Series C of "Marathon '96" runs through June 16.
Series C, Batch 4, one of its better efforts.
And what were the experimental subjects (from Series C, Batch 21) doing on top of the desk?
If none of the four plays in Series C are close to masterpieces, all four are thoroughly entertaining.
Series C (now retired): 340 cars (68 trains) delivered to Lines 3 and 7 between 1972 and 1975.