The foundation of the monastery is ascribed to the refugee monks from the Serbian monastery of Žiča.
Gomirje is a Serbian Orthodox monastery in Croatia.
Elaine is home to a Serbian Orthodox monastery with five monks and two nuns.
Marković studied icons and frescos in Byzantine and Serbian monasteries.
That Serbian monasteries are also located there is a great excuse for the Serbs to hold on to that part of Kosovo.
Fruška Gora is also attractive due to numerous old Serbian monasteries.
There are indeed many beautiful Serbian monasteries in Kosovo, and it was an important center of the medieval empire.
Rajinovac is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located in the south end of Begaljica.
If heaven is mirrored anywhere on earth, it is here, inside the Serbian monastery of Grachanitsa.
Grachanitsa, Pec, and thirty or so other Serbian monasteries distinguish the landscape of southern Yugoslavia.