The Serbian foreign minister, Vuk Draskovic, who was also at the meeting, said his country would continue on its course of reform.
The Serbian prime minister announced that Serbia would fight for the unification of all slavs in a single state.
Several people in the video were later arrested as a result, the Serbian prime minister said.
This accomplished, he summoned the Serbian minister, with what purpose and to what effect became historically evident several days later.
Inform the Serbian minister that I desire his presence at the palace immediately.
Lose no time, lieutenant, and be sure to impress upon the Serbian minister that immediately means immediately.
Former serbian minister of internal affairs, Vojan Lukić, was born there.
The Serbian prime minister, Zoran Djindjic, is insisting on decisive action.
Most Serbian ministers and administrators have abandoned the Government, leaving huge gaps in chains of responsibility.
Later, while serving as Serbian prime minister, he also mastered English.