If Brcko is handed to the Muslims, the Serbian entity in Bosnia created under the peace agreement will be cut in two.
He said the war could go on for several more years if a Muslim-Croat federation and a Serbian entity were not allowed to form separate states.
But his party will almost certainly win in the Serbian entity, and it will thereby gain new international legitimacy.
Through relay stations across the Serbian entity, it dominates the media audience.
It accepted the partition of Bosnia between a Serbian entity and a Muslim-Croat federation.
But given the ambition and ruthlessness of both men, it seems clear that a furious political combat would emerge in any confederated Serbian entity.
The Serbian entity should be abolished and absorbed into a stronger Bosnian state, he contends.
After they crossed the boundary of the Serbian entity, the official pointed out Dr. Karadzic's home.
Srebrenica is now populated only by Serbs and lies in the Serbian entity within Bosnia, where few Muslims have dared return since the war.
During 2006, Eurobank-Ergasias started work on merging its two Serbian entities.