Six NATO F-16 fighters dropped 10 laser-guided bombs and four rockets on a Serbian command and control bunker near the Government-held city of Tuzla.
Either way, the Serbian military command in the Dubrovnik area would be alerted.
The Russians then informed the Serbian military command about Plan III.
The Serbian military command had, put the har-bor defenses on full alert in case of an attack.
One of the first things he had requested from the Serbian command in Split were scuba divers to protect the Fetlyura as long as she remained tied up to the dock.
The Serbian high command decided to meet the Turkish force under Ibrahim Bushati, pasha of Shkodër, at Deligrad.
In contrast, hitting stationary Serbian command and control sites, logistics installations and weapons caches in Bosnia could be easier and would eliminate the need for spotters.
This offensive action forced Serbian command to send reinforcements to the 2nd Army defending Pirot and Nis.
NATO and Administration officials heightened warnings today that war-crime investigations will be pressed all the way down the Serbian military command to line officers in the field.
As result in September 1916, the Serbian high command sent Kosta Pećanac in the Toplica District to organize a guerrilla uprising.