I Map During the 19th century, Galata had a large Sephardic Jewish population and a number of synagogues.
While the movement has had significant success among the traditional Sephardic population, it has been tainted in the public eye by corruption scandals.
On the island of Djerba, where there is a dense Sephardic population, only Kosher foodstuffs are consumed.
And even on Curaçao, the use of the u-ending is still more pronounced among the Sephardic Jewish population.
One famous figure from the Sephardic Ashkenazic population is Glückel of Hameln.
The Sephardic population settled mainly in the major urban centers of the Ottoman Empire, which included Salonika.
She said research shows that the diseases began appearing around the 14th century when the split between the Ashkenazi and Sephardic populations occured.
Today, in addition to European Orthodox Jews, the area is home to a burgeoning Sephardic population.
From 1736, there was a small Sephardic population in Vienna, which had its own religious community with a synagogue at the time of Maria Theresa.
Results were similar in other so-called development towns, which have high unemployment rates and a predominantly working-class Sephardic population.