On the other hand, both his parents, and especially his mother, took pride in their descent from aristocratic Sephardic families.
He is the descendant of a Sephardic Jewish family with roots in 15th century Castile.
Both parents were of ancient Sephardic families.
Rebibo was born in Rabat, Morocco to a Sephardic family.
Ruah's father is from a prominent Portuguese-based Sephardic Jewish family.
Morpurgo was born on March 6, 1907 in Split to a Sephardic Jewish family.
Some Sephardic families use green onions or curly parsley.
DaCosta is rich, influential, and the head of the oldest Sephardic family in England.
Boublil was born in Tunisia, to a Sephardic Jewish family.
By 1910 the city had about 40 Sephardic families.