Until going to the "Sensation" exhibit, I did not know it was possible to use the words "ironic" and "whimsical" five thousand times in thirty minutes.
Calling the Sensation exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum "sick stuff" and threatening to cut off its city subsidy did not surprise anyone who's been living with this mayor for the past six years.
The mayor of New York denounced the Brooklyn Museum of Art's "Sensation" exhibit as sacrilege.
The Brooklyn Museum of Art opened its "Sensation" exhibit.
The portrait of the Virgin Mary dotted with elephant dung, part of the "Sensation" exhibit, so infuriated him that he withheld the museum's city subsidy.
Have you forgotten the furies that dogged the "Sensation" exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum four years ago?
Remember his attempt to evict the Brooklyn Museum of Art over the "Sensation" exhibit, when we learned so much about the religious connotations of elephant dung?
The first was a private, trustees-only tour of the "Sensation" exhibit.
The "Sensation" exhibit is "just the usual ... celebration of the blasphemous, the criminal and the decadent."
The case in San Antonio is similar to the constitutional fight involving the "Sensation" exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum of Art in 1999.