Late today, Mr. Dole's Senate office made public a letter to President Reagan in which the Senator described some of his concerns.
Following the 2009 draft, the Senators scouting staff described Lehner's style as very competitive with good technique and a willingness to aggressively challenges shooters.
The former Senator described Mr. Mecham's backers as "the extreme right," adding "I mean, these people look on me as a socialist."
The Senator described this as "an obscene act of social regression."
The Senator described the lanky, bearded Judge as "very much of an understated person, off the bench; on the bench he's very formidable."
The Senator has described his father as "my best friend."
Senators from both parties have described the bloodshed at Columbine as a summons to action that could not be ignored.
Standing flanked by those supporters, the Senator described himself as "deeply, deeply honored" by their willingness to put aside partisan politics.
Reporters at the news conference, preceding the Wyoming Democratic Party's annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner, asked the Senator to describe his military experience.
Senator after senator described the illegal practice as the top consumer issue in their states.