The Senator who introduced the measure acknowledged that it might prove to be unconstitutional.
A bill offering much more limited powers to banks is expected to be introduced in the House, and Senators acknowledged they would have to compromise.
The Senators acknowledge that they face a tough fight.
With the grain sales exempted, however, Senators acknowledged that the largest and most painful penalty had been removed.
But the Senator, not uncomfortable with publicity, acknowledges a certain taste for legislation that many have considered off the wall.
The Senator acknowledged that the bill now before his committee probably tilted too far toward the futures industry's anti-regulatory stance.
The Senator acknowledged his judgment might have been faulty.
The Senator acknowledges that the story is true.
The Senator also acknowledged that he had indeed changed in his approach to the job.
Last week, Senator Maltese acknowledged that at least 25,000 households in his district were covered by the law.