Senator Baker joined the filibuster and voted to continue it.
These bills are Senator Baker's response to encroaching federal influence in state policy.
Senator Baker's father represented a district in eastern Tennessee from 1951 until his death in 1964.
"I'm trying to find out for Senator Baker who does what for whom, and how it all works."
Former Senator Baker should be a wise and effective prime minister.
It was a thrill for me to see the way our colleagues reacted to Senator Baker on both sides of the aisle.
Even some that could not be here tonight made a special point of coming by to speak with Senator Baker.
Senator Baker was the honored guest at the leader's lecture in 1998 when he spoke about his years as majority leader.
Senator Baker is an avid photographer, and has published two books illustrating his work.
From 1980 to 1983, he was Senator Baker's chief legislative assistant.
I had some experience in downsizing when Senator Baker appointed me to chair a committee on the reorganization of the Senate.
Senator Baker joined the filibuster and voted to continue it.
Senator Baker, 71, was the Senate majority leader from 1981 to 1985 and the White House chief of staff in 1987 and 1988.
"I'm trying to find out for Senator Baker who does what for whom, and how it all works."
Former Senator Baker should be a wise and effective prime minister.
It was a thrill for me to see the way our colleagues reacted to Senator Baker on both sides of the aisle.
Even some that could not be here tonight made a special point of coming by to speak with Senator Baker.
There is a lot of history in that suite of rooms where Senator Baker served.
Senator Baker was the honored guest at the leader's lecture in 1998 when he spoke about his years as majority leader.
Senator Baker is an avid photographer, and has published two books illustrating his work.