Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania finished fourth, with 118 votes, or 8 percent.
Senator Arlen Specter has acted as the hatchet man, coming on like a mean small-town prosecutor.
Senator Arlen Specter was not so reticent this afternoon.
Then the visitor, Senator Arlen Specter, declared that in real life things were out of whack.
Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania forced the issue this week.
Senator Arlen Specter acted as though he found this all very enlightening.
Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania called for a special prosecutor.
Senator Arlen Specter has said that what he witnessed was a sham trial, and in one sense he is right.
In the end, a question laid out by Senator Arlen Specter remained.
Senator Arlen Specter proposed a comparable expansion of the use of the death penalty the same year.