Other specialists in Semitic studies said they agreed with the interpretation and were studying the text to understand some finer points of the grammar of biblical Hebrew.
"Auxiliaires descriptifs en amharique", in: Proceedings of the international conference on Semitic studies.
From 1948 to 1962, he lectured in Semitic studies at the University of Kansas.
I know a number of Ph.D.'s in Semitic studies who left the field for lack of funds.
Even the most prestigious universities lack adequate funds for advanced research in Semitic studies.
Semitic studies and Religious Studies from the University of Heidelberg.
He also taught at Dropsie College, a graduate school for Jewish and Semitic studies from 1955-77.
Even after the end of the Second World War, a further decade passed without the restoration of courses in Semitic studies.
Cornell saw a rise in Semitic studies during the early 1970s, the number of students enrolled rising from 127 to 313.
Only students in Semitic studies, regardless of level, take all their classes at the Sorbonne campus.