But of course northwest Semitic culture permitted more than one wife and liaisons outside marriage are normal for deities in all pantheons.
Cognate titles exist in other Semitic cultures, notably Phoenicia.
More important, they acknowledge the effect of Near Eastern semitic cultures, which gave Greece its alphabet and many of its foundational myths.
Other Semitic cultures also practiced primogeniture, under which all property went to the eldest male child.
In other historic semitic cultures there are many instances in which holy water was regarded as taboo, and therefore that contact with it, or its consumption, was dangerous.
This novel proved hugely influential on later portrayals of ancient Semitic cultures.
However, in terms of archaeology, language, life style and religion, there is little to set the Phoenicians apart as markedly different from other Semitic cultures of Canaan.
Here Euboeans and Cypriotes experienced some of their earliest on-site experience of northwest Semitic cultures, from the early eighth century BCE onwards.
Christianity was born into a Semitic culture whose history stubbornly survives.
The Decapolis was a region where two cultures interacted: the culture of the Greek colonists and the indigenous Semitic culture.