The Confederates returned to their positions on Seminary Ridge and prepared to receive a counterattack.
We stopped along Seminary Ridge to climb one of the tall gray battlefield observation towers.
The headquarters was in a small stone house on Seminary Ridge.
They were moving into line in the fields behind Seminary Ridge, out of sight of the Union guns.
Seminary Ridge was thick with trees, but the fields on both sides were bare.
Armistead rode with him back into the woods along Seminary Ridge.
Slowly the Iron Brigade was pushed out of the woods toward Seminary Ridge.
Opposed to it, some distance away and running westward, was another but lower ridge that they called Seminary Ridge.
He with other young staff officers witnessed the council of Lee and his leading officers in the moonlight on Seminary Ridge.
Harry rejoined Dalton who was on the other side of the spring, and the two returned to Seminary Ridge, where they walked among sleeping thousands.