The Security Council recalled the agreements between Indonesia and Portugal on a referendum in East Timor.
The Security Council recalled its support for the Bonn Agreement and the right of the Afghan people to determine their own political future.
The Security Council recalled a request upon Member States to end arms sales to Ethiopia and Eritrea in Resolution 1227.
The Security Council recalled the Libyan government's responsibility to protect its people, respect the freedoms of assembly, expression and a free media.
The Security Council recalled resolutions 1503 (2003) and 1534 (2004) which called for the completion of all ICTY cases by 2010.
The Security Council recalled the sovereignty that all countries had in the airspace above their territory and territorial waters.
The Security Council recalled the criteria regarding voter eligibility and the compromise proposal of the Secretary-General.
In the preamble of the resolution, the Security Council recalled its commitment to international peace and security, including the impact of conflict on children.
The Security Council recalled that Resolution 955 allowed for increasing the number of trial chambers and judges at the ICTR.
The Security Council recalled the decision to dissolve the Committee established by Resolution 661 (1990) and for all states to implement obligations under Resolution 1483.