She has also appeared in the Victoria's Secret catalog and Sports Illustrated.
And the red silk pajama top from the Victoria's Secret catalog you had your eye on?
In a similar mall-minded vein, the woman he is seeing looks like "the fantasy of every man who ever lusted over a Victoria's Secret catalog."
Her mother was from Sweden, and had been a model for twenty years, including an appearance in the debut 1977 Victoria's Secret catalog.
She has also appeared in Victoria's Secret catalogs.
If you think women's gymnastics would be more interesting if performed in outfits from the Victoria's Secret catalog - and who doesn't?
Here, a plain-looking person can stand out like a pair of hip waders in a Victoria's Secret catalog.
He picked up the Victoria's Secret catalog and showed her the cover.
You won't find the answer in the Victoria's Secret catalog.
Victoria's Secret catalogs are not inherently subversive, but do we doubt that they advertise something other than underwear?